- FDA “Very Low” levels of Arsenic in Chicken
- Organic devotees secretly love foods mutated by radiation and chemicals
- There is no more risk in eating GMO food than eating conventionally farmed food, says EU chief scientific advisor
- The internet says GMOs cause cancer
- What is WOO?
- Oh, no! GMOs are going to make everyone autistic!
- Condemning Monsanto With Bad Science Is Dumb
- CA officials – If you’re unvaccinated stay away from Disneyland
- Toronto Star anti-vaccine royal screw up dissected.
- No, Paraguay climate data is not being falsified
- November 1962 -Roald Dahl
- Australia cracks down on Homeopathy
- NPR: Is The Food Babe A Fearmonger? Scientists Are Speaking Out
- ‘Get your kids vaccinated’ – President Obama
- FAIL! America’s quack Dr. Oz asks people to ask him questions on Twitter.